
Parent Workshops During Evening VBS


Parent workshops during evening VBS was very well received — we had about 15 parents attend and had great interaction. It was also an excellent way to get to know each of them better. When you spend 1 hr+ with them each evening all week, you get to know them so much better than simply pick-up and drop-off during the VBS program.

Program Summary:

This year, parents are invited to the “Parent’s Oasis,” a gathering space for adults to connect. Each evening will feature a parent resource workshop on topics designed to help families build community and a strong spiritual support system. Dessert and beverages will be provided! Childcare will be available for kids age 0-3 whose parents plan to attend the workshops.

Letter/Email to Parents:

Hello Parents, 

We’e excited for you and your kids to join us at next week’s Backyard Summer Kids Club at Good Shepherd. I’m particularly looking forward to the Parent’s Oasis, workshops that we are praying will encourage you to press on in your role of growing your family for God’s Kingdom and building spiritual community. 

Here’s a preview of the evening workshops: 

Sunday — “Starting Spiritual Conversations with your Kids,” by Pastor Jason Holt

How can we make God part of everyday conversations with our kids? And how do we start these conversations? Talking about spiritual matters doesn’t mean we have to quote the Bible or preach at our kids. In this session, Jason Holt will share three tools for opening up spiritual conversations with kids and teens. 

Monday — “It Takes a Village: Building a Community for Your Family,” by Jeff and Keary DeVico

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Community isn’t either. We all long for authentic friendships — for ourselves and for our kids. But are we willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen? Jeff and Keary DeVico will share about their 19-year journey to building lasting friendships and a strong community support system. We’ll discover that community comes with challenges and conflicts, but hard work and patience pay off in beautiful ways. 

Tuesday — “Navigating Tough Times as a Family,” by Robb Oram

Every family faces disappointment, hardship, stress, and loss. Whether it’s a strained relationship, financial hardship, tragedy, or major life-change, all families will experience a certain level of stress or grief. What are healthy ways families can press on together in stressful situations? In this session, Robb Oram will uncover ways to keep open channels of communication, grieve in a healthy way, and see hardships as an opportunity for growth.

Wednesday — “Taking Your Kids to Church without Freaking Out,” by Chad and Christie Friestad

Whether you’ve been attending church for a long time or not at all, taking kids to church can be daunting. Even for a pastor’s family. Pastor Chad and Christie will share about their Sunday morning failures and successes. Come learn how to overcome the obstacles that keep families from experiencing the blessing of a church family and weekly worship. 

Thursday — “Generation Z – Unfiltered,” a video by Tim Elmore

Generation Z (those born after 1995) have been facing a mental health crisis, lack of social and emotional skills, and paralyzed perspective on their future. Adults tend to have a very negative attitude toward the Gen Z population and aren’t helping the problem. In this video, Dr. Tim Elmore, founder and CEO of Growing Leaders, will share the opportunities parents and leaders have to inspire Gen Z to learn through life experiences, own responsibilities, and grow through challenges.

The general format for each evening will be as follows —

  • 5:15-5:30 — kids check in
  • 5:30 — kid’s program begins
  • 5:30-5:40 — parents arrive at worship center for workshop 
  • 5:30-5:45 — dessert and beverages 
  • 5:45ish — Welcome/opening comments
  • 5:50-6:30 — speaker presents
  • 6:30-6:50 — Q&A and discussion 
  • 6:50 — wrap up and dismiss 
  • 6:55 — transition to pick up kids at VBS closing. 
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