In 2019, I had the opportunity to be an extra in an episode of The Chosen, a tv series about the life of Christ. Since my time on set, I noticed on Facebook, The Chosen Fan Club page, that Tim Farley and Jenni Koll developed The Chosen business cards (view/download below).
I copied the template to my thumb drive and have had the local office supply store mass produce those cards. I have literally passed out at least 1,500 cards and thus the story begins.
I have been praying for our town to be turned upside down for Jesus for years. Then COVID hit. People, who were once not talking to you at all, are now starting up conversations just to talk to someone because of isolation! So, people would not think it odd when I would go on my daily walks and stop them on the sidewalk to ask if I could encourage them. 99% of the time, they would say, Yes! I would proceed to tell them about this new TV show about Jesus and those who knew Him. Then I would mention that I had the opportunity to be in it. I would tell about how the director, Dallas, was done with Hollywood, how Hollywood is not involved in it, and, now, how The Chosen is the number one crowd-funded project of its time and is in 180+ countries of the world. I also tell them how they can see it (you can too!):
- Download The Chosen app and watch for free
- Go to their store thechosengifts.com and order a DVD
- Watch on Roku or PureFlix or other streaming site
- Go to their website thechosen.tv click watch, scroll down and watch the show
I also pass out a tract called How to be Free from The Fear of Death by Ray Comfort. You can purchase at livingwaters.com
This all leads into discussions of Jesus and how He is The One who gives us peace. What a tool that God has given to us to spread Him to the Nations!
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