The principles that I learned in this workbook have served as a solid foundation for ministry for over 25 years. In this book and workbook Henry Blackaby lays out 7 Biblical principles that help us to understand God better, His work in us, and His desire to grow in our faith and understanding of His ways in our life and world. I would highly recommend this for individual or group study. It is both discipleship and evangelism related. I believe that the principles taught here are timeless and are just as applicable today as they were when I first learned them years ago.
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The Lutheran Ambassador
The Lutheran Ambassador is a free magazine, published monthly by the AFLC. It exists to educate its readers about the AFLC, to encourage the local congregation, to equip Christians...
The Berean Test
Whether you are a Worship Leader, Church member, or just listening to songs on the radio; do you ever wonder if what you are listening to is theologically accurate? Is it Christ-Centered or Me-Centered? Do the lyrics come from scripture?...
The Mirror
If you are looking for a high quality tract to share your faith, "The Mirror" is an excellent means to do that...
Unexpected Harvest
Jesus told a parable to his disciples about a sower who scattered seed. Some of the seed fell on good soil and produced a great harvest. However, much of the seed fell on rocky, shallow, thorny, and bird infested soil. These areas did not produce anything. Unexpected Harvest addresses the question, “What if the soil could be changed?”...
Home Builders: Joining God Where He is at Work
By talking with people in our church and community, we found that there were a number of younger, unchurched families looking for family-friendly activities. There was also interest in gaining parenting skills and improving marriages...
Food Pantry: Meeting the Physical and Spiritual Need of Our Communities
We are a church in the middle of cornfields in northern Illinois. We originally thought to empty some dishes out of the church kitchen cabinets and have some staple foods on hand to help people. We quickly found out that the need was bigger than we thought...
GriefShare: The Journey from Mourning to Joy
GriefShare is a 13-week video series that is packed with Biblical information to support grieving people as they walk their journey of grief...
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