The principles that I learned in this workbook have served as a solid foundation for ministry for over 25 years. In this book and workbook Henry Blackaby lays out 7 Biblical principles that help us to understand God better, His work in us, and His desire to grow in our faith and understanding of His ways in our life and world. I would highly recommend this for individual or group study. It is both discipleship and evangelism related. I believe that the principles taught here are timeless and are just as applicable today as they were when I first learned them years ago.
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Small Circle
Deeper levels of relationships can be found beyond the group experience. Smallcircle captures the life-changing power of one-to-one relationships.
The Bonhoeffer Project
Making disciples requires intentionality. William Law in his book, A Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life, made this point: the reason people don't change behavior is that they never really intend to...
Preparing for Evangelistic Meetings
Many congregations have at least one week of evangelistic meetings each year. This is an excellent idea, but we must remember, however, that evangelism should be the church's mission all year. Some churches have...
Prayer: The Key to God's Kingdom Growing Through the Church
In this PowerPoint, Pastor Jim Rasmussen takes us through all the basics of prayer and then shows us how to use it to grow the Kingdom of God in our lives and community. We hope it will be a...
Reaching the Unchurched
Based on Thom Rainer's book, "Surprising Insights from the 'Unchurched,'" this PowerPoint, prepared by Pastor Jim Rasmussen, provides a brief overview of the book's findings. Specifically, it identifies nine habits of churches that...
How to Share Your Testimony
In this PowerPoint prepared by Pastor Jim Rasmussen, you will find a clear presentation of "Why" and "How" to share with others your personal testimony in a way that will be informative, comfortable, and natural. It's a tool that you...
Getting Others to Ask About Jesus
a PowerPoint presentation prepared by Pastor Tom Parrish that focuses on the two most difficult parts of evangelism: beginning the conversation without being pushy and guiding the conversation so that...
Discipleship Reference Guide
This reference guide teaches the fundamentals of discipleship as modeled by Christ, and will hopefully encourage you to intentionally foster discipleship relationships personally, and amongst the believers in your congregation. Furthermore, we...
21 Day Challenge
Would you be willing to invest 21 days of your time, on your terms, with no one pushing or coercion to make 10 million dollars or would you pass it by? Most of us would gladly invest the...
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