Rev. Micah Hjermstad,
AFLC President
Rev. Micah Hjermstad was elected to serve as AFLC president during the 2022 AFLC Annual Conference (held in Osceola, WI). He was installed as president on October 3, 2022.
Rev. Hjermstad grew up in South Dakota, the son of AFLC Pastor Wayne (Solveig) Hjermstad. Upon graduating from high school, he attended The Free Lutheran Bible College (then "AFLBS"), earning a diploma in Biblical Studies. He then studied at both North Dakota State University and Minnesota State University Moorhead, graduating in 2006 with a BA in Physical Education Teaching & Coaching.
In 2006, Rev. Hjermstad enrolled at the Free Lutheran Seminary (then, "AFLTS"). He served his internship at Ruthfred Lutheran (Bethel Park, PA) and was ordained on June 18, 2010.
Rev. Hjermstad served Hope Free Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ishpeming, MI) for five years. In 2015, he accepted the call to serve St. Paul's Free Lutheran (Fargo, ND), where he served until his election as AFLC President in 2022.
He married his wife Brittany in 2021, and they have two wonderful children, Levi and Sophie.
AFLC Vice President Pastor Lloyd Quanbeck is a native of McVille, ND, the second of six children in a farm family. His parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were active in their local Free Lutheran congregation, and also demonstrated to him a personal, living faith in Jesus Christ.
Lloyd is a graduate of the Free Lutheran Bible College (1981), Moorhead State University (1985), and the Free Lutheran Theological Seminary (1990). He served his seminary internship at Maranatha Free Lutheran, Chassell, MI, followed by a summer with a Home Missions congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. He has served as pastor of Free Lutheran congregations in Northome & Mizpah, MN (1990-1996); Minot, ND (1996-2009); Ulen, MN (2009-2015) and now at Maranatha Free Lutheran in Glyndon, MN (2009-present). He has also served terms on the AFLC Youth Board and the Board of Trustees for AFLC Schools. Lloyd and his wife, Jean, are the parents of seven children, and grandparents to five grandkids.
As vice president, Pastor Quanbeck will attend most Coordinating Committee meetings along with AFLC president, Pastor Micah Hjermstad, and occasionally visit congregations for installations and anniversaries when the president or the presidential ministry associate are unable to attend.
“It was a summer traveling with the Ambassadors team," Pastor Quanbeck says, "that the Lord used to call me into pastoral ministry, and also to plant in me a love for the people and congregations that make up the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. I am very thankful to be a part of a fellowship of Lutheran congregations that holds to the authority of the Scriptures and emphasizes the need for personal, living faith in Jesus Christ.“

Rev. Lloyd Quanbeck,
Vice President

Rev. Brett Boe,
AFLC Secretary
Pastor Brett Boe grew up in Newark, IL and sensed a call to pastoral ministry from a young age. He, along with his wife Theresa (from Amery, WI), graduated from the Free Lutheran Bible College in 2004, and he earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Northwestern St. Paul in 2006. He attended the Free Lutheran Seminary, and after his internship at Bethel Free Lutheran in Grafton, ND, graduated and was ordained in 2010.
Pastor Boe has served the Dalton Free Lutheran Parish in Dalton, MN, King of Glory Lutheran in Shakopee, MN, and currently at Solid Rock Free Lutheran in Anoka, MN. Brett and Theresa are parents of five children and live in Elk River, MN.
As the AFLC Secretary, Pastor Boe is honored to represent our AFLC by fulfilling this role as described in the Rules for Work: “keep the minutes of the Annual Conference and [be] the custodian of the archives.” Along with President Hjermstad and the rest of the Conference planning team, he desires that our Annual Conference be an edifying and fruitful time of reflecting on what the Lord is doing in and through our Association.
The Coordinating Committee was created to serve the congregations of the AFLC by promoting the unique theology of the AFLC in the Fundamental Principles, managing the general fund, pastoral roster, and congregational roster, and providing a flexible body to handle those issues not designated to other committees.
The committee is made up of seven men — three pastors and four laymen — nominated by the Annual Conference for a five-year term (maximum two terms). The committee's goal is to be a healthy support structure to the congregations of the AFLC, in which the real work of the Kingdom of God takes place in the preaching of His Word and the administration of His sacraments.
We are grateful for the service of our current Coordinating Committee members: Paul Haugen, Rev. Jon Benson, Rev. George Lautner, Ivar Berge, Mark Presteng, Rev. Martin Horn, and David Olson.

Coordinating Committee

Katie Johnson,
Director of Business Management

Deb Nelson,
Assistant Bookkeeper

Rev. Dr. Jason Holt, Presidential Ministry Associate

Alisha Kneeland, Executive Assistant to the President

Rev. Andrew Kneeland, Lutheran Ambassador Editor

Ruth Gunderson, Lutheran Ambassador Managing Editor

Liz McCarlson, Receptionist & Administrative Assistant, LA Subscriptions Manager