Ministry can be difficult, but you are not alone.

Prevention Care
Pursuing relationships with pastors, wives, and their families while supporting them in their call, encouraging healthy boundaries, and walking with them through life.
Pursuing relationships within congregations, supporting them in their calling to care for their pastor and to share in the ministry of their church.

Intervention Care
Supporting pastors, wives, and their families who are experiencing an immediate need or crisis emotionally, spiritually, physically, or relationally.
Supporting congregations who are experiencing an immediate need or crisis emotionally, spiritually, physically, or relationally.

Recovery Care
Coming alongside pastors, wives, and their families encouraging health, healing, and stability after experiencing a hurt, hardship, or failure in life or ministry.
Coming alongside congregations and ministry leaders encouraging health, healing, and stability after experiencing a hurt, hardship, or failure.

Wayne & Jane Smith
Retired from full-time off farm careers with SD Farm Bureau (Wayne) and office management (Jane), but still working at farming. Our mantra now is how to MFE... Make Farming Easier.
We have four married children and six grandchildren, all living within two hours of us.
We aim to be champions for marriage - in seminars, small groups, mentoring, and encouragement. We want to help people avoid the pain of a broken marriage, which we have both experienced. Our church involvement at Christ the King Lutheran in Pipestone, MN includes leadership roles in spiritual development and worship/music.
In our spare time we enjoy traveling, woodworking, landscaping, gardening, reading and entertaining - and especially visits with grandchildren.

Tom & Linda Mathre
The Mathres have lived in Newark, IL since being married in 1981. They were blessed to have a son who at an early age developed Hydrocephalus which caused some disabilities. Their son, along with Tom and his brother are actively involved in the family's farming operation. In 2003, Tom and Linda's middle daughter passed away in a car accident. Throughout these trials and tribulations God has been with the Mathres. In addition to being involved with church ministry they've run the GriefShare ministry for the last 15 years. In their spare time they enjoy spending time with their four children and six grandchildren who keep them young!
Roger & Lindsay Benson
Roger and Lindsay Benson are parents to 4 children ranging from 16 to 5 years. Roger has a background in church leadership and training in conflict resolution through Peacemaker Ministries. Lindsay is a mental health therapist and psychological consultant.
Together they volunteer on a CISM team for first responders and as Dare to Be Different marriage coaches.
They have a heart for marriage, speaking honestly about the struggles in life and seeing God's hand of providence and comfort in whatever challenge comes.

Scott & Mary Stroud
Pastor Scott and Mary Stroud have been married for 27 years and have four adult children and one grandchild on the way (due May of 2025). They have served at two AFLC churches; St. Ansgar's Lutheran in Salinas, CA (9 years), and Elim Lutheran in Lake Stevens, WA (4 years and counting).
Having been in prison himself as a young adult, Scott has a passion for seeing men set free from the bondage of sin and despair. Mary has a huge heart for women who are experiencing trauma due to abortion and unhealthy relationships. Together they have led numerous marriage, parenting, and financial classes.
In their spare time they love to play board games with their kids and friends as well as travel and try new foods. Individually, Scott loves to golf, and Mary enjoys Pickle Ball with women from church.

The PACCT team has assembled a Pastoral Call Process Toolkit for AFLC congregations. Three key pieces of the toolkit (the introduction, PACCT congregational survey, and customizable pastoral survey) are available for download below. The rest of the toolkit is (as explained in the introductory document below) available to congregations upon request. Please reach out to the AFLC President's Office or the PACCT to discuss ways that this toolkit might be helpful as your congregation seeks to call a pastor.