In 1962 the women of the AFLC came together to help further the work of the church. The society they formed became the Women’s Missionary Federation, working at home and abroad to further love in the kingdom of God, to unite the women of the AFLC in missions and Christian education, and to organize missionary activities in the local congregations.
The national and district organization of the women of the AFLC is called the Women’s Missionary Federation (WMF). Women of the congregation are free to use that name or a specialized name for their local women’s group.
The Lord Jesus Christ, our Shepherd and Teacher, used various persons to be His witnesses. Women were also called to serve, as indicated in Mark 15 :40-41. We dedicate ourselves to the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ when He said, "Go in to all the world, and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16 :15.
Gifts to WMF ministries are mailed to our: National Treasurer, Margie Lee, PO Box 118, Beulah ND 58523.
The purpose of the WMF is to awaken and deepen interest in and love for the kingdom of God, at home and abroad, thus sharing in the great missionary enterprise of the Christian Church.
To obtain a copy of the WMF Resource Manual for AFLC congregations please contact WMF Executive Secretary. For More Information About WMF Contact our National President.
We Live in Him – We are the branches: "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in Him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15 :5
We Work in Him – We are servants: "Remember the word that I said to you. A slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My saying they will keep yours also." John 15:20
Membership in the WMF is open to AFLC groups of women who are interested in furthering mission work as well as to individuals who are not members of the AFLC but are interested in supporting the ministries of the WMF.
Contact our president, Karen Pederson, if you have questions about starting WMF at your church.
Contact our WMF President or Executive Secretary.
Karen Pederson
253 5th St NW
PO Box 381
Tioga ND 58852
(701) 648-9892
[email protected]

Jenn Thorson
7509 S. Casea Circle
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
(605) 521-3677
[email protected]