Remain at Peace

  1. Let us always remember, however, that even though Christ is our personal Savior and we have the peace which only He can give, this does not mean that we shall not have any enemies in life. God’s Word does not give any such promise; instead, we are told that we shall endure affliction, adversities and tribulation.  Write out John 15:18.

There is one point we should never forget—a quarrel takes two people.  The one who continues to be hateful and abusive is the one who has the problems with inner darkness. The one who lovingly gives of himself and remains cheerful is the one that is at peace.  As God’s children, we do not have to be victims of those who belittle us.  We can be at peace with them, even as Christ was.  Let us not let them destroy our peace.  Let us continually follow Christ’s example.

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