Patience Author

God is the author of patience.

Pleaded Patience

Let us like Jeremiah daily go to God in prayer.

Love shows Patience

  1. The first characteristic of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4 is patience.
  2. Suffering produces endurance and trials of various kinds (testing of your faith) produces steadfastness. Let us liken patience to a beast of burden. Whether it be breaking up new ground full of rocks, stumps and heavy sod, bearing burdens of wood and grain.  Harnessed to a treadmill hour after hour in stifling heat or winter’s cold day after day, it carries on in quiet, obedient compliance to its master’s wishes.

Patience Required

God’s Word in the following verses tells us that we should never be envious of sinful men, we should never fret because of their success but that we should fear the Lord.  The Lord will deal with sinful men in His own good time.

Patience Working

  1. Psalm 37:7a We are to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him
  2. Psalm 40:1 we read that David waited patiently for the Lord and He heart his cry.
  3. Isaiah 25;9 tells us that the God we have waited for will ave us and that we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.
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