Matthew 18:23-35 – The fruit of patience is shown by the king as he forgives the servant the debt he owes him.  However, the servant does not show the same mercy and patience with the servant who owes him a debt.  Should not this servant, who had been forgiven by his king, have shown the same mercy, forgiveness and patience towards the one who owed him?


  1. In the following references, what do we find out?
    a. Genesis 26:12-23 (Isaac toward the Philistines) – Isaac, due to a famine in Canaan, went and dwelt in Gerar, land of the Philistines; and God blessed him with plentiful returns. The Philistines, afraid or envious of his prosperity, fought over and over again with Isaac about the wells that he dug. Isaac patiently continues to dig new wells rather than causing more trouble.  Isaac eventually digs a well over which there is no quarrel.  God blesses him and supplies his needs.
    b. Job 1:13-22, 2:9-10, 23:8-13 (Job) – Job loses all his worldly possessions and his children, and his wife tells him to curse God, but in spite of all this Job does not turn against God but says, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” (23:10 ESV). Read James 5:11.
    c. James 5:10 (Prophets) – We are admonished to take the prophets as an example of patience in suffering.
    d. Revelation 1:9 (John) – Some authorities believe that John wrote this while in exile on Patmos. Some even believe that he had to labor in the mines on Patmos. John had been a fellow sufferer for the Lord’s sake and had endured it with the patience that Jesus gives.
    e. 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 (Paul) compare with Acts 9:1 – In Corinthians Paul tells of the trials that they had endured for the ministry of Christ. They were hungry, thirsty, naked, buffeted, reviled, defamed, persecuted, imprisoned, and beaten. They endured this with loving patience.  In Acts, we see Paul eager to slaughter the Christians.  He did not have any patience with people who did not see things as he did.  It was only after he allowed Jesus to become his Savior and Lord that Paul became the one that encouraged, and himself became the recipient of the persecutions inflicted on the Christians.
  2. What examples do we find in the following verses?
    a. Matthew 15:23 – Here we see the woman of Canaan comes to Jesus pleading for her daughter who is suffering from demon possession. Jesus does not answer her but remains silent to try her faith, patience and perseverance. His disciples thought her troublesome just as they did the people who brought the young children to Jesus.  What a contrast—Jesus, quiet and patient – the disciples, noisy and impatient.
    b. Luke 9:54 – In this portion of scripture we see an example of extreme impatience and anger on the part of the disciples. Jesus rebukes them and asks them to examine their hearts reminding them that the Son of Man has not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.
    c. Luke 10:40 – Martha is an example of impatience. Her concern is that she is left with all the work while Mary sits and listens to Jesus.



  1. Even the most difficult people can find hope when someone will be patient with them. God’s people showing patience is a sure sign that even a non-Christian can discern and discover something of the nature of God.
  2. The development of patience in the child of God produces two benefits. It produces strength and endurance within our character. Under adversity, as we are patient, we experience God’s great faithfulness in all situations.
  3. We are exhorted to be patient toward all men.



  1. Results:
    a. Luke 8:15 – Bring forth fruit.
    b. Luke 21:19 – Save your soul.
    c. Romans 2:7 – Eternal life.
    d. Romans 15:4 – Have hope.
    e. Hebrews 6:12 – Inherit the promises.
    f. Hebrews 10:36 – Receive the promise.
    g. James 1:4 – That you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
    h. James 5:7-8 – For the coming of the Lord.
    i. 2 Peter 1:6 – Godliness.
    j. Revelations 3:10 – I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world.




Dictionary definition of kindness:
1) the state of quality of being kind; kind disposition or nature; humanness; tenderness;

2) a kind act; a token of friendliness and good will;

3) a kind of feeling; affection, love.

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