Kindness Detected

We must not let culture, creed, color or social status stand in the way of our regard and respect for others as individuals.  It is because of a genuine interest that we try to be helpful and kind.  Human beings are exceedingly sensitive in the area of personal relationships and will readily detect if we are not sincere in our actions.  If we are patronizing or acting in a condescending way, if our kindness is tainted with haughtiness, it will be detected. True kindness reaches out to help where it hurts.  It is levelling with others in love.  It is getting involved in their sufferings and sorrows.  True kindness may cost us real pain and some serious inconvenience.  it forgets its own personal preferences to offer help and healing to others.  It quietly and without fanfare tries to bring help and pleasure to those in need.  Whether the kindness is great or small the Lord knows the heart of which it came.

1. How is true love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4a?

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