Because of this divine inner control, Christ was master of every situation He faced. Let us look at some of them:
Matthew 9:34, 12:1-14, 21:23-27, 22:34-40, 26:57-67–Chief priests, elders, Sanhedrin, High Priest
Matthew 26:47-50–Judas
Matthew 27:11-14–Pilate
Matthew 27:27-31– soldiers
Matthew 27:39- 44–crowd
As we read the above verses one thing stands out. Jesus was always in control. No matter what the circumstances were, no matter where He went, no matter whom He met, He was never taken unaware. He never allowed Himself to be manipulated. Let us just take a moment to think about His last hours on earth. Even in those last hours which were filled with such terrible physical suffering and humiliation Christ moved in quiet strength, enormous dignity and majestic might.