Risen, Appearing and Ascending Joy

When Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary, the mother of James, and other women come to the tomb they find it empty and two men in shining garments tell them that “He is not here, but is risen!” Peter and John also see the empty tomb.  What would your thoughts and reactions have been at this time?  Would they have been one of doubt, questions, or surprise?  Would you have believed when the men in white told you, “He is risen?”

  1. What was the reaction of the women? Matthew 28:8

Jesus then appeared to Mary Magdalene, to the women returning from the tomb, to Peter, to the Emmaus disciples, and then to the eleven gathered together.

  1. What is their reaction when Jesus appears to them? Luke 24:37
  2. What does Jesus do next to dispel their fears? Luke 24:39-40

In verse 41, we read, “And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered.” It was just too good to be true. Have you ever had something happen to you that was so filled with joy you could not believe it?

  1. Jesus does one more thing to quiet their fears and prove that He is not just a spirit. What does He do? Luke 24:41b, 42, 43
  2. Jesus then ministers to them. They witness His ascension, and what is the result?  Luke 24:52
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