Joy Bible Study Question Answers

Risen, Appearing and Ascending Joy

  1. They departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy.
  2. They were terrified and frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
  3. Jesus tells them to look at his hands and feet, to touch Him to make sure that He is not a ghost.
  4. He asks for something to eat and then eats it in their presence.
  5. They worship Him and return to Jerusalem with great joy.

Joy or Happiness?

  1. Joy and happiness are not the same. Each spring from a totally different source.
  2. Happiness comes from the world around us.
  3. a. Family, friends, business associates—Fondness can turn to hate, trust to distrust.
    b. Wealth, possessions, property—they are subject to change, decay, deterioration, devaluation, and depreciation. People who have worked long and hard to accumulate possessions often find that they, in turn, are “owed” by their possessions.
    c. Good health, physical strength—wanes, beauty fades, sight dims, hearing fails and memory falters. What will bring health to your body? Proverbs 3:7-8 (NIV)
    d.  A successful career, outstanding social achievements—not lasting. New starts rise whose accomplishments are greater. Records are broken daily.  We shall have good success when we meditate on and obey God’s laws.

Esau said, “I have enough” (Genesis 33:9). Jacob said, “I have enough” (Genesis 33:10-11). Jacob’s word far exceeds that of Esau’s.  Esau had sufficient; he had one blessing (Genesis 27:38), but Jacob had the birthright and the bounty.  Esau was blessed in material things, but Jacob in spiritual things.  The world ling may have sufficient of this world’s goods, but the believer has all things in Christ.  “All things are yours… and ye are Christ’s and Christ is God’s” (1 Corinthians 3:21-23).

  1. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit.
  2. The amount of joy we have in our lives depends on the extent that we allow Christ to dwell in us.

Joy’s Hindrances

1. a.  Job 20:5-Hypocrisy or godlessness.
b. Proverbs 15:21-Folly or foolishness.
c. Matthew 19:21-22-Possessions

How To Be Joyful

  1. Psalm 5:11—Trust in God.
  2. Psalm 42:4—Worship in the House of God.
  3. Psalm 119:11—God’s Word-His testimonies, statutes, laws.
  4. Proverbs 10:28—Hope of the righteous. The hope of Christians is eternal.
  5. Romans 15:13—Power of the Holy Spirit.
  6. I John 1:3-4—Fellowship with Christians.

Joy Revealed

  1. What does God’s Word tell us about the following:
    a. Sorrow and joy—sorrow may endure for a time but joy will return. As Christians, we do not joy in the sorrow, but we joy in the Lord even while we sorrow. It is impossible to be happy and sad at the same time. But by a strange co-mingling of things a believer can have joy and sorrow, but in spite of it.  We do not joy in the sorrow, but we joy in the Lord even while we sorrow. (1 Peter 1:6)
    b. Faithfulness and joy –The servant is told that he has been faithful with the few things he was entrusted with, now he will be a ruler and have dominion over many things. There is great joy in faithful service to God and I am sure it brings joy to God when He sees our faithfulness.
    c. Persecution and joy—A wonderful example of persecution and joy is given to us by the Apostles in Acts. As Christians, we also have the future joy of eternal life.
    d. Tribulation and joy—Paul says he was exceedingly joyful in all tribulations.
    e.Loss of worldly goods and joy—Paul tells us that even though we may lose all our worldly goods we have the joy of knowing that there is an eternal reward awaiting us.
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