Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!

  • LOCAL MEETINGS  -  WMF's may be held once a month or as often as the group wishes. Many creative ideas and suggestions for variety in the meetings are included in the WMF Resource Manual. The WMF Bible Study may be studied at this meeting or at another time. The women may decide to support the AFLC projects that are emphasized each month as well as other Christian ministries in their area, and/or do quilting, make layettes, and send letters of encouragement to international missionaries.
  • DISTRICT MEETINGS - Like-minded Christian women meet together to be encouraged in their walk with Christ by attending the Spring and Fall Rallies in your district. 
  • NATIONAL WMF DAY - is celebrated once a year the day before the AFLC Annual Conference.  We praise the Lord through worship and song, listen to encouraging speakers and Bible study leaders, and at times break out into special interest groups for further edification. A short business meeting takes place during the day.  For more information about or to register for 2024 WMF Day.
  • INTERNATIONALLY - The WMF encourages AFLC missionaries and ministries by sending notes, praying and financially supporting them. See our missionaries.

The AFLC projects of the WMF that we give prayerful assistance and financial support to are:



The WMF offerings help support the AFLC World Mission work in the various countries that we have missionaries serving. We also have the Missionary Assistant Fund  to help those approved by the World Missions Board to help serve our missionaries on the field and the Missions Scholarship that is available for seminarians who are approved as missionary candidates for World Missions, Missionary Assistants and Missionary and Seminary wives who desire to continue their spiritual education.



Promotes the teaching of Christian truths for children through adults, through the Cradle Roll Packets to be presented to new parents to encourage them with Christian literature and information now that they have a new life in their home and their family has increased. These packets can be used to reach those outside your church as well. We also assist the Parish Education Board in the printing of materials, and contributions to the training of students at the  Free Lutheran Bible College (FLBC), and the Free Lutheran Seminary (FLS).



​The WMF offerings to this project go towards supporting our Home Missions work for setting up and establishing new congregations in the USA and to support the Alaska Mission work.



This fund covers many projects including materials printed and mailed from the WMF (Helping Hand,  Bible Studies, Fall Resource Packets, and other necessary mailings.) It also helps cover the Annual WMF Day expenses, office equipment, supplies and board teleconference meetings or travel, the salary for the Executive Secretary and the Women’s Outreach Coordinator as well as stipends for the National President and Treasurer. When contributions exceed costs, the additional funds may be given to other ministries that have not reached their projected goals.​

WMF Facebook

WMF Bible Studies

WMF Projects

WMF Resources

National WMF Officers

President - Karen Pederson
1st VP - Ann Presteng
2nd VP - Elizabeth McCarlson
Communication Sec - Linda Fugleberg
Recording Sec - Karen Floan
Treasurer - Margie Lee

National WMF Day

Join other women on June 11, 2025, at The Association Retreat Center, Osceola WI as we fellowship together in Christ. Further information and registration directions will be posted on our WMF Day page closer to the date.