The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.  John 1:9 ESV

The lights of December are so pretty, especially when it gets dark so early up north where I live.  Driving with my grandsons last week in Bismarck I asked them why lights became part of Christmas.  They came up with some answers, but I was looking for something like ‘Jesus is the Light of the World’.  Our world is so dark in so many ways that we need Jesus as our Light to show us our need, to show us the way to Him, to show us salvation, to show us GOD!  I’m excited to begin our 2025 Bible study that Vicki Johnson has written, Seeing the Light of God in the Face of Christ from the book of John. The monthly topics are so intriguing to discover; The Light of Life, the Light that Dispels, the Light that Reflects, Light that Enlightens, Light of Righteousness, Light of Truth, Light that Directs, Light that Transforms and The Light that Abides.   

As you hang your Christmas lights and light your candles preparing for the coming of the Light of the World this month, contemplate the Light of Life Jesus’ coming brought to our world!  That light is getting brighter as our Advent Candles show, reminding us of His coming again as LORD OF ALL Coming as King to Rule in Righteousness.

If you're still looking for ideas for your WMF to celebrate Christmas together, you can go to our website and click on the Resources tab. On there you will find the sections entitled Resource Manual material, if you click on the Various Program ideas under V. Ministry Resources you will find several ideas. The first two pages are a form that can guide you through program preparations or for specific Christmas ideas you can look on pages 5, 13 and 22 of that section.

"How can I say thanks for the things you have done" is a song that came to mind about Dawn Johnson, our Executive Secretary for the WMF.  Dawn is retiring after 19 years as our National WMF Executive Secretary!! I'm new to my position as President and in my few months in office I'm realizing how much she does.  She's retiring and "finishing with a bang' so to speak because this fall is her busy season.  She's been working with the writers of our Bible Studies for the next 4 years, getting editors to review each month's study, she's gotten it to the printers and now they are ready to ship to you!! As she retires, it's not until her house full of all our Bible Studies and is emptied as they get shipped to you in busy December! Her phone number and emails are full of questions from me as President and you as you need information to serve your WMF women. Your WMF will be getting your Resource Packet, which she puts together for our National Board, and mails out to you! She edits monthly writing articles for our WMF Web page, which I'm so grateful for to have her expertise to oversee what's being said. Have you enjoyed the WMF Bible verses on Facebook and Instagram? Dawn creates those for our social media! In the last 19 years, you've gotten your Cradle Roll Packets from her, seen our WMF Day packets from her, watched the screen on WMF Day because she organized what we wanted to be seen.  Dawn has been the keeper of WMF archives which are becoming digital so her house can be emptied for her to retire. Dawn has had a 'work from home' job before it was a thing in the workplace and we are so grateful for all the many things she has orchestrated for our WMF to run smoothly. If you can't place her face it's because she works in the background furiously and we love her and want her to enjoy her next season of life.  I've told her, I know your number and I'll be calling with advice and questions. "Well done good and faithful servant" is a fitting way to send her into retirement.  Thank you, we are grateful for your 19 years of service to the WMF.

Karen Pederson, Anne Presteng, Elizabeth McCarlson, Karen Floan, Linda Fugleberg, Margie Lee your WMF National Board

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