From President Karen Pederson


“I thank my God every time I think of you” Romans 1:8

I’m so thankful, like Paul, for your part in sharing in the ministry of our WMF. Checks come from all over our WMF to contribute to our National WMF projects, comments like “it’s only a little bit” or “I wish we could send more” for WMF projects.  Still, all those gifts you’ve sent are put together to help seminarians to complete their training and provide for their families.

Margie Lee, our treasurer suggested we had enough to give these seminarian’s and wives an extra gift before Christmas, and it was so heartwarming to read their thank you notes.  They are so grateful to the WMF for our prayers and financial support during their training to become pastors.  That’s why I’m so thankful to you and how you give to our projects.

I’m sure many of you were able to visit with Paul & Becky Abel last year as they shared about the ministry in Brazil.  Your giving to WMF World Missions enabled us to give to their support to keep them and the other missionaries serving in Mexico, Brazil, Africa and India.

Home Mission churches around our country are organizing & we support them as they grow & develop local Bible studies to become WMF’s.  They’re grateful for the support as they minister to new people finding out about the AFLC.  As the new churches start Sunday Schools they can get material from our Parish Education department because, again, it’s your support to our WMF as we send our funds to each project we support.

When I hung up a banner, “God Loves a Cheerful Giver” at church for the New Year, I thought of all you WMF ladies who give so generously, which Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Read the next verse closely: “And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that, always having all sufficiency in everything you may have an abundance for every good deed." (vs. 8)

So grateful that you’re sharing in the ministry of WMF!

Serving Jesus,

Karen Pederson

National WMF President

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