Personal Influencers

Our June lesson in our study of Philippians talked about PI’s. Not private investigators but personal influencers.

     For Paul, it was Timothy and Epaphroditus.

     We were challenged to write about someone who made a difference in our lives and do something special for them.

     This was a good challenge and such a blessed reminder of sweet sisters in the Lord.  Our women’s missionary federation has been full of PI’s in my lifetime.

     We enjoy WMF day as a time to reconnect with gals who have touched our hearts.  I appreciate those of you who testify faithfully on your Facebook posts.

     Our New Testament holds some influential women –
               Dorcus (Acts 9:36-42) “always doing good and helping the poor
               Rhoda (Acts 12:13-15) gathered and praying, a servant overjoyed to hear Peter’s voice
               Lois and Eunice (I Timothy) faith filled parenting and grandparenting
               Lydia (Acts 16:11-15) selling purple cloth, worshipping God
               Priscilla (Romans 16:3-5) fellow worker in Christ, risked her life, a home church

Ladies we are all on a pilgrimage, a journey to a holy place, which can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life. I am praying for your progress, pilgrim as I write. This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through.

     RV's and campers are here. Many make a pilgrimage to Glacier Park each year – last year we had 2,000,000 visitors.  It might not be a holy place but it is really beautiful.  My town is in a valley. To have a valley you need a mountain behind you and one up ahead.

     Psalm 23 talks about a valley and the shadow of death.  So good to know the Son of God.  His light makes the shadow of death less troubling.

     No matter where this web page finds you in your journey – mountain high or valley low, let’s strive to be a personal influencer today – filled with compassion, gratitude, and kindness.

Lavonne West, National WMF President

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