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Seeing the Light of God in the Face of Christ
A study of light from the book of John
Written by Vicki Johnson
As we study together, we’ll see that God is good, and His Light reveals the sin hiding in all of us. He alone offers us the blessed remedy His light brings for redemption from sin. Without His light, we are bound up in sin and the lies it produces - we remain residents forever in the domain of darkness. We see all of this in the face of Jesus Christ. God seeks to penetrate our lives with His true, pure Light through His Son, Jesus Christ. The stories and teachings of Jesus serve to illuminate the scriptural Truth from which we learn and live.
“For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 NASB1995
Every lesson in this Bible study begins with a Light Cue verse. These are statements by or about Jesus, recorded throughout the gospel of John, which pertain to the Light of God.
The 2025 WMF Bible study is $15.
Lesson Titles
Lesson 1 - The Light of Life: Nicodemus and Being Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Lesson 2 - The Light that Dispels Darkness: the Woman at the Well Discovers the Truth (John 4:3-29)
Lesson 3 - The Light that Reflects: John the Baptist and Exalting God’s Good Light (John 1:19-36, 3:25-36)
Lesson 4 - The Light that Enlightens: The Nobleman Sees and Believes (John 4:45-53)
Lesson 5 - The Light of Righteousness: Born Blind vs. Willfully Blind (John 9)
Lesson 6 - The Light of Truth and the Response of the Evildoer: Pride of the Pharisees (John 9)
Lesson 7 - The Light of Truth and the Response of the Truth-doer: Humility of the Blind Man (John 9)
Lesson 8 - The Light of the World: The Invitation (John 10:1-13)
Lesson 9 - The Light that Directs (John 16:9-15)
Lesson 10 - The Light that Transforms: Becoming Sons of Light (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 11 - The Light that Abides: Living the De-Vine Life (John 15:1-8)

Exuberant Joy
Written by Angie Lombardo
In this study, we will follow Paul, the prisoner of Christ, in his journey of genuine joy, love, grace, peace, and self-revelation. We will discover his ultimate goal in life. What was that goal? Paul desired to know Christ, to really know Him better and better, to experience the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings. This may seem to be a lofty goal, but amazingly, this goal is available to us as well. That’s a heady thought! It is my prayer that we, like Paul, will experience a deep desire to know Jesus Christ better.
Come with me as we embark on a journey of Exuberant Joy!
2024 WMF Bible study Philippians-Exuberant Joy will be $14 each.
Lesson Titles
- Exuberant Joy! (Philippians 1:1-11)
- The Gospel Goes Forth (Philippians 1:12-20)
- Warriors Wanted (Philippians 1:21-30)
- The Way Up is Down (Philippians 2:1-11)
- The Best Workout (Philippians 2:12-18)
- A Determined Duo (Philippians 2:16-30)
- When Loss is Gain (Philippians 3:1-11)
- Pressing On (Philippians 3:12–21)
- No Worries (Philippians 4:1-7)
- Contented and Convinced (Philippians 4:8-13)
- A Living God and A Giving People (Philippians 4:14-23)

Women of Redemption
Written by Tami Demo and Michele Mobley
Throughout this Bible study we hope for you to learn that God’s perfect plan does not depend on your perfect obedience but on God’s perfect Sovereignty. We will look at these Old Testament women who lived imperfect lives and yet God’s plans still prevailed. Be encouraged that God’s will is sovereign no matter how flawed we are. Just like the women of redemption in this study, God rescues us from our sin, we are restored to a relationship with Him and through His faithfulness, we are redeemed.
“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14
The 2023 WMF Bible study Women of Redemption will be $13 each.
Lesson Titles
- Eve - Rescued from Shame - Forgiveness
- Hagar - The God who sees me - Known
- Leah - This time I will praise the Lord - Steadfast Love
- Tamar - She is more righteous than I - Righteousness
- Rahab - The kindness of God - Kindness
- Deborah - Godly leadership brings rest - Leadership
- Naomi - Where you go, I go - Relationships
- Ruth (Part 1) - Determined Faithfulness - God’s Favor
- Ruth (Part 2) - Determined Faithfulness - God’s Rest
- Hannah - In her deep anguish she prayed - Humility
- Abigail - Abigail acted quickly - Discernment

Behold Our God
Written by Karen Floan, Anne Presteng, Gwen Berge and Wendy Westlake
As we behold God in Psalms 90-100, we are overwhelmed with His mighty power as Creator and Ruler of heaven and earth. We are humbled by His holiness and His plan of Salvation. We see His faithfulness in our lives and throughout all generations.
Overwhelmed by joy or overtaken by sorrow, God hears the cry of our hearts, He draws us to Himself, and His presence changes us. It is the Almighty God who lovingly commands us to praise Him for our good and His glory.
May you be blessed as you “Behold our God” in the Psalms.
Cost $13 each, includes the cost of shipping. (2022 study)
Lesson Titles
1. Behold the Eternal One—Psalm 90
2. Behold God our Dwelling Place —Psalm 91
3. Behold God’s Ways—Psalm 92
4. Behold Christ’s Kingdom—Psalm 93
5. Behold the Just One—Psalm 94
6. Behold the Rock of our Salvation —Psalm 95
7. Behold the Righteousness One—Psalm 96
8. Behold God Who Reigns in Power—Psalm 97
9. Behold Him, Savior of All the Earth —Psalm 98
10. Behold God Holy in Power, Justice and Mercy—Psalm 99
11. Behold Our Shepherd King—Psalm 100

A study on 1 Timothy
by Jeanette Berntson
This is an inductive study on 1 Timothy. Why is what you believe important? Does it matter what we do at church? Does it matter how we live? Should we have requirements for our pastors? God has given us clear teaching on the role of the church. He wants us to hear His Word. He wants our churches' teaching and our beliefs to be the same doctrine found in the Bible. Only teaching from God's Word has the power to create repentance, faith, and love. Jesus came to save sinners and He brings His salvation to the world through His Word, preached and believed by the Church. May God bless you as you study 1 Timothy.
God wrote this letter through the Apostle Paul to Timothy. Paul often refers to truths from other parts of the Bible. Timothy had studied God's Word and knew what Paul meant. To understand 1 Timothy we will also take the time to learn what God teaches us from related Bible passages.
Cost $12 each, includes the cost of shipping. (2021 study)
1. Is Your Doctrine Sick?
2. Jesus Came to Save Sinners
3. Jesus Came to Save Sinners (Continued)
4. God's Desires for the Church (Part 1)
5. God's Desires for the Church (Part 2)
6. God's Desires for Pastors and Deacons
7. God Uses Pastors to Save You
8. Instructions for the Church (Part 1)
9. Instructions for the Church (Part 2)
10. Beware of False Teachers' snares
11. Fight the Good Fight of the Faith