Kindnesses Differences

To those of us who have Christ as our personal Savior and Lord and experience His kindness daily it may seem strange that many people do not wish to either acknowledge or receive the kindness of God.  Because of arrogance and supposed self-sufficiency, they foolishly assume they are self-made individuals.  They do not want God’s interference in their lives – they … Read More

Kindness for Others Part 1

1. To whom should God’s people be kind? a. Deuteronomy 22:1 b. Zechariah 7:9 c. Ephesians 4:32 d. 1 Peter 3:8 e. Romans 15:2 f. Leviticus 19:34 g. 1 Timothy 5:9-10 h. Zechariah 7:10  

Kindness Options

What is sinful and who receives the blessings in Proverbs 14:21 (NIV)?

Heart of Kindness

    1. What are believers exhorted to possess in these verses? a. Colossians 3:12 b. 2 Peter 1:7

Kindness Detected

We must not let culture, creed, color or social status stand in the way of our regard and respect for others as individuals.  It is because of a genuine interest that we try to be helpful and kind.  Human beings are exceedingly sensitive in the area of personal relationships and will readily detect if we are not sincere in our actions.  … Read More

Kindness Identified

1. What two virtues must go hand in hand with kindness as seen in these verses? a. 2 Corinthians 8:21a b. Genesis 34:19b    

Kindness Described

How is Kindness described in the following verses? Psalm 117:2 Psalm 119:76

Kindness through Whom

  Read Ephesians 2:6-8. Through whom does God show His kindness? As you read God’s Word, discuss how much of Christ’s life was spent doing kind things.  Name specific incidents.  Can you name some specific incidents where others showed kindness to Christ? Kindness is perhaps the one fruit with which we are most familiar.  I am sure that all of … Read More