God’s Kindness

1. How is God’s kindness described?     a. Nehemiah 9:17     b. Joel 2:14     c. Jonah 4:2     d. Isaiah 54:8, 10

Kindness Author

Write out Titus 3:4. We find kindness to be an attribute of ____________.

Kindness Introduction

The next fruit that we will be studying is kindness.  Those of you who use the King James Version perhaps wonder why we are listing kindness at the fifth fruit.  All the modern translations emply kindness as the fifth fruit, and so to avoid confusion, we will also. Look up in a dictionary the definition of kindness.

Patience Results

What are the blessed results of patience in the following verses? a. Luke 8:15 b. Luke 21:19 c. Romans 2:7 d. Romans 15:4 e. Hebrews 6:12 f. Hebrews 10:36 g. James 1:4 h. James 5:7-8 i. 2 Peter 1:6 j. Revelations 3:10

Patience Evidenced

1. If we genuinely practice and show the fruit of patience, what effect can we expect to see in those around us? 2. How will we benefit ourselves through the development of patience? 3. What is the exhortation to the brethren in I Thessalonians 5:14?

Patience Exemplified

1. In the following references what do we find out about the following: a. Genesis 26:12-23 (Isaac toward the Philistines) b. Job 1:13-22, 2:9-10, 23:8-13 (Job) c. James 5:10 (Prophets) d. Revelation 1:9 (John) e. 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 (Paul) compare with Acts 9:1. 2. What examples do we find in the following verses? a. Matthew 15:23 b. Luke 9:54 c. … Read More

Patience through Forgiveness

Read Matthew 18:23-35. Discuss what happens. Where is the fruit of patience shown and where is it not?  Where do we find ourselves in this picture?  Do we have a tendency to put other people down – demand the most of others – expect instant results from them? Do we give others the benefit of the doubt?  Are we willing … Read More


Patience Author God is the author of patience. Pleaded Patience Let us like Jeremiah daily go to God in prayer. Love shows Patience The first characteristic of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4 is patience. Suffering produces endurance and trials of various kinds (testing of your faith) produces steadfastness. Let us liken patience to a beast of burden. Whether it be … Read More

Patience Required

As Christians, we must live among sinful men and this requires much patience at times.What does God’s Word say about this? Psalm 73 Proverbs 3:31 Proverbs 23:17 Proverbs 24 Jeremiah 12

Patience Working

1. There are times when it seems God keeps us waiting.  What does God’s Word say regarding this? a. Psalm 37:7a, b. Psalm 40:1 c. Isaiah 25:9 2.  Why does God chasten us? Hebrews 12:5-13 3.  Does God ever do anything that is not for His children’s good? Romans 8:28