Pleaded Patience

We are also to plead for this patience in prayer as Jeremiah did in Jeremiah 15:15.


PATIENCE WITH JUSTICE In these verses we find that God is a righteous God; and because He is a righteous God, He cannot do anything else but punish sinners. GOD’S PATIENCE ILLUSTRATED Isaiah 5:1-7 – God has planted a vineyard and done everything possible for it so that it will produce good fruit but instead all He gets is would … Read More

Loving Patience

1. What is happening in Matthew 27:38-44? 2. What is Christ’s reaction to this? a. Isaiah 53:7 b. 1 Peter 2:23 3.What would ours be?

Patience Evidenced

1. Read the following verses and examine the relationship between Christ and Peter. a. Matthew 14:28-31 b. Matthew 16:21-23 c. John 13:4-11 d. Matthew 26:30-35, 36-40 e. John 18:10-11 f. Luke 22:54-62 2. In John 21:15-19 we see Christ’s restoration of Peter, discuss what happens.

God’s Patience Illustrated

1. Illustrations of God’s patience. a. Isaiah 5:1-7 b. Luke 13:6-9 c. 2 Chronicles 33:10-13 d. Psalm 78:38 e. Isaiah 30:18 f. Jeremiah 7:13, 23-24 g. Ezekiel 20:17 h. Matthew 23:37-38 i. 1 Timothy 1:16 2. Who is our perfect example?  Hebrews 12:1-2

Patience with Justice

  God’s patience is tempered with justice. a. Proverbs 1:24-27 b. Proverbs 29:1 c. Isaiah 42:14 d. Revelation 2:21-22


PATIENCE DELAYED PUNISHMENT Romans 9:22 – This verse tells how God patiently endures the presence in His world of things that cry out to be destroyed 1 Peter 3:20 – This verse tells of God’s patience in the time of Noah and yet only eight people were saved from the flood.  One hundred twenty years of warning and still they … Read More

God’s Patience

Will God’s patience be endless?  Genesis 6:3a  Jeremiah 44:22