Patience with Disobedience

  What are the people doing in the following verses? Nehemiah 9:28-31 Ecclesiastes 8:11 Matthew 24:48-49

Patience Delayed Punishment

In the following verses, read how God delays the punishment of wicked and rebellious men: 1. Romans 9:22 2. 1 Peter 3:20

Attribute of Patience

  1. Read the following verses which tell of patience as being an attribute of God: a. Exodus 34:6 b. Numbers 14:18 c. Psalms 86:15 d. Psalms103:8-9 e. Joel 2:13    

Patience Defined

    Our emphasis this month will be on Patience from our list of the Fruit of the Spirit.   Go to your dictionary and define the word PATIENCE.    

Unexplainable Peace

Read the words to the song  IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.   To learn more about unexplainable peace read the story behind this hymn written by H. G. Spafford.

Blessed Peace

    What great honor becomes ours as peacemakers? Matthew 5:9


Be At  Peace 2 Timothy 2:22 tells us that we are to be at peace with other Christians. Make Peace And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:18 (ESV) Bathe everything in prayer. Allow God’s Word and Spirit to be your guide. Set an example of peace and calmness in your own life. Do … Read More

Humble Peace

What kind of person is a person of peace?  Isaiah 57:15