Wrong Attitudes Toward Peace

What are some attitudes that may stand in the way of having this peace? a. I Samuel 2:3 b. Titus 3:3 c. Psalm 15:3 d. James 3:14a e. I Corinthians 10:24a

Remain at Peace

Let us always remember, however, that even though Christ is our personal Savior and we have the peace which only He can give, this does not mean that we shall not have any enemies in life. God’s Word does not give any such promise; instead, we are told that we shall endure affliction, adversities and tribulation.  Write out John 15:18. … Read More

Be At Peace

What is the Lord’s command to the Christian regarding other Christians? 2 Timothy 2:22


  PEACE TO GOD’S PEOPLE God promises His peace to His people, His saints, to those who walk according to this rule, to the brethren and to Israel that is near and the Gentiles who are far off. The warning in Psalm 85:8 is “Let them not turn again to folly. DENIED PEACE God denies His peace to the wicked … Read More

Live in Peace

1.. What is the Lord’s command to us in these verses? a. Hebrews 12:14 b. I Thessalonians 5:13b c. Romans 14:19 d. II Corinthians 13:11


What does our Lord command us to be in Matthew 5:9? What will please the Lord and what is the result? Proverbs 16:7.

Blessings of Peace

  What are some of the blessings that are ours because of this peace? a. Psalm 4:8 b. Jeremiah 34:5a c. Isaiah 26:3 d. Ephesians 2:14-18 e. Philippians 4:7

Denied Peace

To whom does God deny this peace? a. Isaiah 48:22 b. Isaiah 59:1-8 c. Romans 3:15-18

Peace to God’s People

To whom does God promise this peace? a.Psalm 29:11 b. Psalm 85:8. There is also a warning in this verse. c. Galatians 6:16 d. Ephesians 6:23 e. Isaiah 57:19

Legacy of Peace

What is Christ’s bequest to His disciples in John 14:27? Christ imparts a very rich legacy to His disciples.  He who is known as the “Prince of Peace” in Isaiah 9:6 became flesh and carried this peace about in His own person, dying to make it ours, leaving it as the heritage of His disciples on earth and implants and … Read More