Risen, Appearing and Ascending Joy

When Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary, the mother of James, and other women come to the tomb they find it empty and two men in shining garments tell them that “He is not here, but is risen!” Peter and John also see the empty tomb.  What would your thoughts and reactions have been at this time?  Would they have been … Read More

JOY Bible Study Question Answers

REASON FOR JOY  The reason for joy in Luke 2:10-11 is the birth of the Savior. Jesus is speaking to His disciples of His coming death, resurrection and Second Advent. JOY IN JESUS NAME Up to this point, the disciples had not asked anything in Jesus name. “That your joy may be full.” Your joy will be complete.  Your cup … Read More

From Sorrow to Joy

In Chapters 22 and 23 of Luke, we read of the betrayal of Jesus, His trial, and crucifixion.  I am sure none of us can fully realize the sorrow and grief the disciples must have felt at this time.  As we read on in chapter 24 of Luke the scene changes from one of sorrow and despair to one of … Read More

Joy Set Before Him

  5. Read Hebrews 12:2.  How did Jesus face the task and the goal set before Him?     Have you ever experienced times in your life when you knew there would be suffering but the end result would bring joy? (Childbirth, family situations, friendships, death.)


  3.  What had the disciples, up to now, not done before? John 16:24a 4. What would the result be if they did?  John 16:24b


1. What is the reason for joy in Luke 2:10-11?   2. Read John 16:23-24.  What is the background of these verses?          


Look up the following verses on Joy:     “fruit of the Spirit”- Galatians 5:22 “the joy of faith” – Philippians 1:25 “the rejoicing of hope” – Hebrews 3:6           Galatians 5:22 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.   Philippians 1:25 – Convinced of … Read More

The Fruit of the Spirit is…Joy!

This month our focus will be the Fruit of the Spirit is…Joy. INTRODUCTION OF JOY Joy is one of the fruits of love in our hearts and it is the joy of Christ.     Define Joy with a dictionary. Be sure to check a Bible dictionary and the concordance of your Bible.         But now I am … Read More