Parish Education - Support received will go toward the missionary chronicles of AFLC missionaries to be used as a teaching tool. For more information, you can visit them at or view the catalogue or order material or gifts
Free Lutheran Seminary (FLS) - Support continues for each full-time seminarian with $100 per semester for books and a Lutheran Ambassador yearly subscription as well as Bible study books for seminary wives. (website: shared with the Bible school).
Free Lutheran Bible College (FLBC) – Support that is undesignated will continue to go toward dormitory improvements as needed. (website:
Cradle Roll Packets - These Packets are available to be presented to new parents to encourage them with Christian literature and information now that they have a new life in their home and their family has increased. These packets can be used to reach those outside your church as well. Cradle Roll packets are now ordered through Parish Education.
Support for Home Missions: Support received will go toward undesignated funds to HM for church plants with emphasis on the Chinese Church. For more information on Home missions go to: Home Missions
The Alaska Registry - The Registry has been updated with items that will be needed at the NET ministry outreach this summer. Specific evangelism tracts and Bible in other languages are listed on this registry. Other additions will help furnish the living quarters in the new garage. Alaska Gift Registry
The Net - The Net is an internet café in Alaska that is a ministry to those who come to work at the canneries. For more information on how you can be of support to this ministry in Alaska contact Home Missions or go to the Home Missions website on The Net.
Missionary Support: The support will be distributed to the AFLC missionaries as the World Missions Board deems necessary. Please keep aware of the missionaries that are on the field, and those who are no longer serving on the mission field, so that funding sent to World Missions can be used appropriately. Keep our missionaries and families in prayer. Visit the World Missions website at
We also have under this project:
The Mission Scholarship program. This scholarship program is available to seminarians who are approved as missionary candidates for AFLC World Missions, Missionary Assistants, and Missionary and Seminary wives who desire to continue their spiritual education.
The Missionary Assistant Fund: for individuals approved by the AFLC Missions Board to help serve our missionaries on the field.
Support received for the WMF General Fund will be used to cover necessary expenses. The National Board prepares, prints, and distributes the WMF Bible studies, Helping Hand newsletter, fall WMF Resource Manual updates and welcome packets to new congregations. Support also covers the administrative costs, salary for the Executive Secretary and stipends for the President and Treasurer and other expenses such as convention expenses, travel of officers, office equipment and supplies, communications between District and National officers. Some of our officers are willing to come and share information about the WMF and the work that we are involved in. Join us for encouragement, resources and WMF details on our website (, ( and Instagram ( Be sure to like, follow and share.
Conference Offerings
Conference offerings that are mailed in are divided equally between the four projects. Any designated money is always given to the designated project. WMF Day offering is divided evenly between Christian Ed and WMF General and the Mission Festival offering is divided evenly between Home Missions and World Missions.
Please mail contributions with the transmittal form to the National WMF Treasurer, Margie Lee. Please make checks payable to WMF of AFLC.