FLY Beyond
positions teens in grades 7 through 12 with opportunities to explore their spiritual gifts.
FLY Beyond
trains for congregational investment through teaching and applications.

FLY Beyond
serves the AFLC fellowship with a physical camp at the Association Retreat Center in Wisconsin. Many of the sessions from the week are also available on the Youth Min App and Vimeo channel for leaders to use after FLY Beyond in their ministry context.
FLY Beyond
gives an effective complement to the FLY Convention as FLY Beyond provides equipping leadership to growing teen disciples who have been won through the Gospel built up in their faith.

FLY Beyond
nurtures a "Body of Christ" mentality through participation in small groups, through diverse opportunities for involvement and service, and through the dorm life during the week.
FLY Beyond
provides a helpful context for inviting and developing student leaders to go deeper as congregations seek to mobilize and release their students for ministry.

FLY Beyond
serves to connect the hearts of students to the heart of Jesus through worship, relationship, study, and reflection. It is a powerful week!